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Sunday 11 August 2013

Social media marketing by Burnley Companies

Social Media with Burnley Companies

One of the key components of social media marketing is social media optimization (SMO). Like search engine optimization, where a website is brought to page one of Google, SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a website or your social media page or presence. 

SMO can be done two ways: adding social media links to content, such as RSS feeds and sharing buttons — or promoting activity through social media by updating statuses or Tweets, or blog posts. SMM helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential customers) while making the company seem more personable as well as generating new business and leads. The interactive parts of social media gives customers the opportunity to ask questions, find out more about your products or services or voice complaints and feel they are being heard. This aspect of SMM is called social customer relationship management.

Facebook and Twitter like and follower generation

Our involvement with your social media can be as little or as much as you like. Burnley Companies conduct our Facebook and Twitter business in such a way that we provide genuine likes and followers which will be interested in what you have to offer. Turning into business for you, rather than attracting people who will never interact or purchase. 

SMM became more common with the increased popularity of websites such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and YouTube and has proven to be a successful way of communicating with existing and potential customers and clients.

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