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Wednesday 21 August 2013

Healthy living in Burnley

Calico Homes, Burnley, promoting healthy living!

Calico Homes, one of Burnleys most recognisable and trusted names, are holding a healthy living day at Lockyer Park this Friday. Between 12-30 and 4. There will be a chance to get involved with a wide array of activities and an opportunity to learn about everyday health aspects which effect us all.

During the course of the afternoon, there will be activities such as 5-a-side football and a space bus! There will be stalls proving advice in areas such as mental health, quitting smoking, debt help, drug and alcohol, fire safety and health advice for the elderly, not only to provide support for those who need it, but to highlight the services which are available in our community.

Healthy living in Burnley

East Lancashire has been highlighted as having the biggest death rate amongst young people this year, with smoking prevalence and death rates very high in Burnley, Hyndburn and Rossendale, drug and alcohol related illness and death becoming higher every year and the fact over 25% of the Burnley population are overweight, Calico Homes have realised a real need to help educate and hopefully prevent needless health issues and even deaths. 

Mental health issues in Burnley - the unseen illnesses

As well as physical illnesses, such as those you can see and hear, people in Burnley suffer greatly with the "unseen illnesses", mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. With around 100 deaths per year in East Lancashire alone, it is very much a problem which effects us all. How to tackle mental health, where to get help and spotting signs early amongst teenagers are all covered during the healthy living day at Lockyer Park.

With what promises to be a fun day out as well as a vital resource of information and guidance in everyday difficult situations, it is one for the diary! 

We would love to hear back from the people who attend and also some of the event organisers or advisers for your opinions on how the day went.

Burnley Companies wishes Calico Homes every success in this much needed educational event and hope to see more of these types of events in the future.

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