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Monday 18 November 2013

Social Media Networking in Burnley

Facebook is like Marmite to a lot of businesses, you either love it or hate it. Thrive off the personal contact with you customers, or despise the time consuming in which like generation takes. 

You can become as successful on social media via good networking as in your normal place of physical work, or your page can be left an empty space in which only a handful of friends and a few members of family have liked. Social media networking is a powerful tool, one with which you can offer your faithful followers the latest deals, the fabulous sales, your best new services or simply to keep in contact in a friendly manor. 

Used correctly, social media networking can become a regular source of income, repeat customers and glowing recommendations. You can reach potentially thousands of new clients that may not happen to walk past your shop and see your “Free haircut Friday” sign, or listen to the radio station that you have spent thousands of pounds on a nifty new advert telling people of your end of season sale. 

Facebook marketing with Burnley Companies

With Facebook, you only have to have a positive impact on one person for them to advertise you to their friends, and then one of those is so happy with you they share to theirs...this quickly spreads and the next thing, that leaky radiator you fixed for free whilst installing a boiler has become a viral hero story! 

Companies such as Coca Cola (TM) and Tesco are not simply following the trends by having a Facebook presence; they understand the ultimate power behind social media marketing and the importance of that personal interaction.

To discuss how social media networking can help your brand and business, contact Burnley Companies to arrange a no obligation with one of our directors to demonstrate how we can help your business grow.

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